Saturday, March 30, 2013

daylily order received! :)

well I got a nice package in the mail today with 6 new daylilies! yoo hoo... these are some that I ordered and including some extras.  I had the challenge of finding a place to put the extras, but eventually got all of'em in the yard. I had been waiting all winter to contact Sandy Nall in Arkansas to put my order in for these, after I saw a photo album of her dayliles on  it's always a pleasure to find somebody hybridizing diploid daylilies and to see what something new they are coming up with.  All of the daylilies I got in the mail today are doubles except one that I had specifically ordered, Lilyland's Fried Eggplant.  While putting all of these in the ground today, I remembered that I still haven't received all my orders and still have three more plants coming. going to have make more room! ha

Sunday, March 10, 2013

spring around the corner. woo hoo

enjoying the weekend getting yard cleaned up a bit before spring breaks forth. already daylilies are coming up. I am probably going to get a soil test this spring because some daylilies look yellowish and other grey green. I want everything green green green and ready to bust out in bloom! ha these photos show a peony, Coral Charm, coming up. I like the deep dark red color emerging. also there are some photos of a purple lenten rose and the one below is Ivory Prince.


About Me

I aim to live a life serving others. I enjoy doing the random unusual thing versus the ordinary. I love my family. I love my job. I continue to dream of marriage and children, living in a cabin in the woods, travel, writing or educational t.v., teaching in another country again. to continue learning to deny self

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