Well spring almost arriving here, although I prefer more of the March roaring in like a lion kind of spring, because more storms bring more rain! ha But I'll keep looking forward toward April and perhaps we'll have lots of April showers??? the photo above shows how I flagged the load of lumber sticking out of my pickup with a grip glove I'd bought there and then I taped it on for a flag. ha and then a photo of the nice yellow forsythis out back by the fence. I have some ideas about a possible new bed in between those shrubs and the fence. something shady perhaps... now to whats going on on the other side of the fence...
my morning projects upon returning from Home Depot was to clear out all the monkey grass in that long neglected area of the back yard. there are two crepe myrtles there and I gave up trying to do any flower bedding back there long ago. however, ,now I'm coming out into the yard a bit where it's sunnier and you can see where I installed a new raised bed yesterday; it's 4' x 20' more or less. I used some dirt from the other side of the fence to fill it in a bit, the base layer, since the other side of the fence all the dirt is mixed with driveway gravel and I'll have to dig it up to put good dirt in anyway, I thought the gravel would help for a bit of drainage in the raised bed. You might notice I've lined the inside of the bed with plastic. I stapled it all in, I figure the more moisture I can keep in the bed and not absorbed into the boards during hot summer the better. also perhaps it will help the lumber last just a bit longer? I'm always willing to try something and I had the leftover plastic from when I redid my shower surround in the bathroom a few years ago. today I'll be digging up some dirt in various places in the garden to put in this new bed, and also mixing it pine bark mulch and manure and dead leaves and sphagnum peat moss, and cotton burr mulch and more dirt etc, you get the picture, just a mix of organic goodness to get the bed started. :)