Sunday, March 30, 2014

backyard project...

Well spring almost arriving here, although I prefer more of the March roaring in like a lion kind of spring, because more storms bring more rain! ha But I'll keep looking forward toward April and perhaps we'll have lots of April showers???   the photo above shows how I flagged the load of lumber sticking out of my pickup with a grip glove I'd bought there and then I taped it on for a flag. ha and then a photo of the nice yellow forsythis out back by the fence. I have some ideas about a possible new bed in between those shrubs and the fence. something shady perhaps... now to whats going on on the other side of the fence...

my morning projects upon returning from Home Depot was to clear out all the monkey grass in that long neglected area of the back yard. there are two crepe myrtles there and I gave up trying to do any flower bedding back there long ago. however, ,now I'm coming out into the yard a bit where it's sunnier and you can see where I installed a new raised bed yesterday; it's 4' x 20' more or less.  I used some dirt from the other side of the fence to fill it in a bit, the base layer, since the other side of the fence all the dirt is mixed with driveway gravel and I'll have to dig it up to put good dirt in anyway, I thought the gravel would help for a bit of drainage in the raised bed.  You might notice I've lined the inside of the bed with plastic. I stapled it all in, I figure the more moisture I can keep in the bed and not absorbed into the boards during hot summer the better. also perhaps it will help the lumber last just a bit longer? I'm always willing to try something and I had the leftover plastic from when I redid my shower surround in the bathroom a few years ago.  today I'll be digging up some dirt in various places in the garden to put in this new bed, and also mixing it pine bark mulch and manure and dead leaves and sphagnum peat moss, and cotton burr mulch and more dirt etc, you get the picture, just a mix of organic goodness to get the bed started. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

plants in the ground...

a photo above of the hellebore I got in TX, spring Promise Elly, I had wanted a double petaled and last fall bought one online called Cotton Candy, but it's coming up this spring with white flowers on it, so win some lose some. :P I placed this one near a row of Hellebore out by the carport. the next photo above is Ivory Prince, which is really putting off a lot of blooms this its 3rd year.

Above are two more Helleborus I put in the ground yesterday, one really milky maroon colored one in the back ground called Merlin, and a really  nice bright lime green in the forefront, Ice Breaker Corsica. I hope their roots dig in and get settled nice. next photo shows  little buds bulging on the red buckeye tree out back, so small and slow growing where it's at, but it's hanging in there.... :)

above photo,  I took a shot of my fence line this morning with it's cold wintery colors which I'll change out soon with something more for spring. :)  Below are an update photo of the peonies still waking up. the last photo is P. Coral Charm and is always earliest with these dark dark shoots fingering up from the mulch. great sign of spring coming....

Monday, March 17, 2014

sprng break start off...

I had a great kick off to Spring break last weekend. I went to Dallas! My main mission was to check the nurseries I could find that would possibly have the trees I was looking for, Salix integra 'flamingo' and Corylus avellanus 'Red Dragon' and possibly some small beginner Japanese Maples.
I began Saturday afternoon after lunch in Copell with a friend.  Our first stop was NorthHaven!!
it's just north of north park mall near highway 75, but you have to get there from Hillcrest St.  such a selection!! I got a bunch of Helleborus, some Osteospermums, and salvia.
Next we went downtown to check out a place at the farmer's market called Rubiel's.  I wouldnt' recomend it, pretty much same stuff you'd find at a Lowe's, plus why would i recommend them after I'd emailed to ask if they had the 3 trees I was looking for, and they reply yes we have all of those...
all they had was large sizes of Japanes maples.... no thanks. We did enjoy the excellent barbecue at this nationally recognized barbecue place there, I don't recall the name, but my friend knows the chef so we got to back to the kitchen and try out the succulent pulled pork. MMMMm!!!
Sunday I made 2 more stops, Watson's in Garland. a very nice independent place with great variety of selection. they had the Filbert I wanted but a huge one for $150 so nope, too rich for my blood plus the ganble if it were to die on my while getting settled in here in hot dry summered Oklahoma. I did by a nice artichoke plant and they had lots of little Japanese Maples for $20. got one. On the way back to OKC I stopped at Markwell's in Lewisville jsut off 35E, however it was so cold and windy, I made a rush to just get back in the truck and head on. Although iw as tempted to get a crabapple just beginning to bloom, I'd hate to bring it back since we could have a few freezes yet before spring get here. :)
I include a photo of some plants in the cab of my pickup. and a few pics of peonies just beginning to appear here as things warm up jsut a little.I always enjoy this time of year getting to walk around and see what plants are emerging, bulbs shooting up and especially the Peonies so pink/red and daily reaching up a little taller....

Monday, March 3, 2014

last summer photos while waiting for spring.. .:)

here are some more photos from last summer's blooms.  above is a photo of Small World Blue Music (Miller '12), Little Bluegill (H Douglas '11) , and Midnight Kenyan Safari (R Anderson '10) .  I crossed M. Kenyan Safari with Lil Black Buds (Begnaud '09) last summer  to see what I could get with dark buds on it.... :)

a little pink patterned seedling from unknown cross and then Siloam Fashion Quilt, fitting name eh?
the last photo is a real nice clump of Tuscawilla Snowdrift out front.

few more photos from online ..... so many out there :)

here is a seedling from Midnight Gardens, and then Everyday Butterfly (Grammon 2013), and a photo of a Jaques cross with Ida Mae Norris and a Joshua Lee Jaques seedling.  how great!

Ed Kraus (McKutcheon 2014), a Jaques seedling from Ida Mae Norris, and Midnight Magician (B Anderson 20??)

Anderson's Midnight Distant Thunder X Midnight Aura ?  , and Jaques'  Texas Kaleidescope X Ida Mae Norris and Wonder Worker X Ida Mae Norris.  Finding these online had me thinking what fun it would be to cross Ida Mae Norris with some of my favorite Siloam daylilies. :)


About Me

I aim to live a life serving others. I enjoy doing the random unusual thing versus the ordinary. I love my family. I love my job. I continue to dream of marriage and children, living in a cabin in the woods, travel, writing or educational t.v., teaching in another country again. to continue learning to deny self

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