Tuesday, May 26, 2015

more poppies! :)

late May garden , so much rain

red amaryllis and asiatic lilies with lightning flash coreopsis. below is a hosta, Lakeside Paisley Print..

below is Echinacea pallida and a clump of sienna sunset daylilies all budded out! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

poppies and early dl's

shirley poppies still putting on a great show and now with the white baptisia beginning to bloom...
below are photos of Siloam Amazing Grace and a new daylily this year Mark's Bouquet....

from May 6....

above are a new clematis and the Itoh peony again.  below is a great variegated sedum and siberian iris

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

from May 2nd more flowers..........

BELOW:  two more peonies!  I dont' know the names I'd have to research in a kitchen drawer but how pretty they are. the yellow one in intersectional and its second year, i wasn't too happy though because only 3 blooms on a big plant. I'm going to invest in some more and maybe replace it with a newer variety with more blooms! :) we shall see...........

happy May Day! :)

nice colors in the shade bed NE side of house.
BELOW Bridal Gown peony...

ABOVE: another photo of Mad World iris.
BELOW another photo of the NE shade bed. such color! from left and going clockwise, Helleborus, sensitive fern, heuchera, green velvet shrub, Jack Frost brunnerra, cafe noir ligularia, and then a nice grey leaved plant I don't know what it is in the bottom left corner! ha. :)

ABOVE another photo of Bridal Gown peony, so WHITE white white!!! :)

late April spring garden.......

ABOVE: my beautiful baby new favorite shade plant, Ligularia Garden Confetti. so nice!
BELOW: blue and pink  iris north side of house, and

BELOW: a clematis I planted last year and it came back, yay! next is a new iris Mad World. I'm very pleased with the wild colors. :)

April 24th, spring photos

ABOVE: Jolene Hobart anemone north of house and a photo of iris and poppies out front.
BELOW: Coral Charm penoy, ground orchid, and a planter out front....

more spring gardens photos (April 22nd)

ABOVE: a white iris out in the front of house with peach iris and red poppies, Salix integra 'Flamingo' on the south side of house in a pot. and columbine in the shade garen NE side.
BELOW: coreopsis Lightning Flash and other plants. daylily seedling bed, dave austin rose Carding Hill.

BELOW: arkansas amsonia (Bluestar)  and some woodland phlox.a nice short of the plants coming up in the NE shade bed.

(from April 17th) more spring garden...

tulip again above, and above and below is a small iris with great colors and blooms well. also a pot of viola again below.

more coreopsis above and a dappled willow 'Flamingo' photo above.

(from Apirl 12th) spring garden....

ligularia 'Garden Confetti' growing in nicely 2nd year. next to that is variegated fallopia and a basket of viola. below show the bright leaves of coreopsis lightning flash adding some spring color in with other plants.

above are photos of a yellow ranunculus and then more coreopsis lightning flash on the south side with an amaryllis coming up right in the middle of it. ha
below is a white and pink tulip and then another shot of the fallopia north side


About Me

I aim to live a life serving others. I enjoy doing the random unusual thing versus the ordinary. I love my family. I love my job. I continue to dream of marriage and children, living in a cabin in the woods, travel, writing or educational t.v., teaching in another country again. to continue learning to deny self

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