Wednesday, June 20, 2012

wonderful Wednesday with more flowers..

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Siloam Headlight was shining nicely this morning with a nice surround of buds, and then the lighting was pretty good to get some detail on this bloom of Midnight Smoke Rings

The first pic above is a seedling from a friend I've had for several years, nice firey double. Does anyone know of other diploids I should grow that have this blend of orange/red throughout the petals? really like the colors! and the next two pics are Siloam Dean's Double. I couldn't decide between the two pics which to post because I love the colors in both. One closer up really got the flowers into focus and the last one had the turquoise from the glass object..ha! This one staggers out its blooming and seems to last for a long time regardless of lacking branching/bud count. I put it on everything else double in my yard.

the pics above show a new rose bush that I couldnt' resist in some David Austen Rose ad I came across during last winter.. my dreams of the coming spring got the best of me and I ordered some. I'll be patient for this to be a nice big bush full of blooms someday. Next is Siloam Pink Platinum and the last pic is Siloam Holland's CHoice. which I really only like for its big size.. otherwise it's too pale and blah for me.. but I know others will say it's just right. ha

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I aim to live a life serving others. I enjoy doing the random unusual thing versus the ordinary. I love my family. I love my job. I continue to dream of marriage and children, living in a cabin in the woods, travel, writing or educational t.v., teaching in another country again. to continue learning to deny self

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